Brief GOP Debate Reflection

1. Rand did well; not great. Probably not much to gain more voters, but at least we know he’s alive. He reminded us of the need for libertarian-like ideas in the Republican party.
2. Cruz affirmed to us that he wants to be Mr. Purity, but he comes across as obnoxious which turns some folks off to supporting him.
3. Rubio is an eloquent speaker. That’s an x-factor trait you can’t quantify but inspires a people.
4. How great was it not having Trump on stage?! It was wonderful! No petty attacks, more substance.
5. Carson. He doesn’t have a record so the moderator aren’t trying to skewer him. He’s so quiet that he never interjects for talking time. He continues to surprise in other ways such as the recitation of the preamble.
6. Christie’s answer about defunding Planned Parenthood was creative. Glad he stuck to his guns when Wallace asked the follow up. Still will never get my vote.
7. Bush had a decent debate. But his last name is Bush.
8. Why the flip is Kasich still running? He hardly brings anything distinct to the discussion that we wouldn’t hear from better candidates.
That’s all I’ve got for being brief. What were your thoughts on the debate?

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